CEO of Aban Dasatir Company 

Tehran, Iran

At Aban Dasatir Company, I expanded my professional scope beyond construction to spearhead the Import/Export department, engaging in dynamic international trade with several countries including the Netherlands, Georgia, and Russia.

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21 August, 2017
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  • Managed building construction projects while significantly focusing on developing and leading the Import/Export operations.
  • Facilitated the import of detergents from Holland, coordinating maritime logistics and domestic distribution networks.
  • Oversaw the export of bitumen to Georgia and pistachios to Russia, balancing trade requirements, and market demands.
  • Imported polymer pipes from Russia for agricultural applications in Iran, navigating complex international trade regulations and agreements.
A worker is pouring cement on the project site
Towers working on construction sites held by Ali Mohajer
Construction site
Ali Mohajer used to be the CEO of construction sites
Ali Mohajer is the CEO of Aban Dasatir in Tehran


  • Successfully diversified the company’s business operations into international markets, establishing robust trade relationships that enhanced our global reach.
  • Demonstrated strong adaptability by transitioning from a construction-focused career to effectively managing international trade.
  • Pioneered innovative trade strategies that opened new revenue streams for the company and strengthened its market position.
  • This role marked a significant shift in my career, encouraging me to embrace challenges outside my comfort zone and think innovatively, setting a precedent for future endeavors in global settings.

Main Achievement

This position showcased your strategic acumen and ability to adapt to new industries, enhancing your portfolio with experiences that underscore your versatility and forward-thinking approach.